NEXT FAIR Sunday APRIL 27th, 2025
Midway Mall. 4800 Texoma Pkwy, Sherman TX
(Next door to Burlington)
"We are so excited to be expanding once again, and have moved to a larger space for our Spring fair!!!" Come out and meet our newest additions to the Fair Family of Vendors & Practioners!
Join us for Texomas' Largest Indoor Fair of this kind! 30+ vendors joining us from across Tx & Okla. Featuring
Readers, Mediums, Numerologists, Psychics, Tarot & Angel Card Readers, Intuitives, Astrologists, Palmists, Light Language Channels, Dream Interpreter, Holistic & Alternative Healers, Reflexology & Massage Therapists, Reiki Masters.
PLUS...AURA Photography, Crystals, Stones, Jewelry, Natural Products, Essential Oils, Candles, Clothing, Decor & Gifts from Amazing Artisans offering our community the opportunity to share in a fun day of healing, exploration & inspiration!
$3.00 Energy Exchange at door (over 12)
Deborah offers this Energy Medicine, which can help with stress, anxiety, pain, faster healing, insomnia, headaches, migraines & depression in your daily life, and also during illness, injury, surgery & dental procedures. She can also assist you in clearing negative energies and blocks that may be holding you back, causing stress or dis-ease.
What do YOU want to HEAL Today?
Deborah's modalities include Intuitive Energy Alchemy, Light Language Activations, Trance Healing, Channeling, Ancient Egyptian Sekhem Energy Work, Personal & Space Clearings & Blessings, Spiritual Life Coaching & Mentorship.
Online sessions via WhatsApp & Zoom
(TEXT 214-850-0500 for info or appt)
Deborah's 2025 Live Events:
Negative Energy Blocking You?
Home, Business, Body Clearings & Blessings.
Remove Negative, Stale Energies from your personal space.
Bless & Renew with Intentions of Love, Light & Positive Energy.
Anytime you feel blocked mentally, physically or emotionally, such as: Divorce-Illness-Death- Trauma-Business-Relocation.
Blessings for New Home, Job, Business Growth, Birth, Marriage & More
I offer Intuitive Energy Clearings & Blessings for your personal space. Being a Psychic Medium, sessions are often "gifted" with a personal message from a Departed Loved One!
As an Intuitive Energy Healer & Light Language Channel, I can also help you to cut those "Negative Cords" attached from your past or present, that are holding you back from living your true NOW that you deserve!!
Sessions can be done in your Home, on Land or in a Business, Individually, with a Group, or even at an event.
Typical Clearing Sessions for Homes & Businesses will run about an hour, unless space is larger, has many rooms, or outside space is large.
Personal Clearings can be done along with location, or as stand alone session. Individuals & Groups are welcome!
For questions or requests for customized readings, please send me a message. I will get back to you soon.
Highest Blessings™️ Sherman, TX
Please TEXT 1st (903)870-8991 to get past "unknown caller block", or just email for quote or more information.
By Appointment
We are a small family-owned company. We respect your privacy and will never share or sell any of the information that you share with us! You are safe here! 🙏 💙